Adriatic Metals plc Corporate Governance

The Board believes in the value of good corporate governance in improving performance and mitigating risk and acknowledges its duty to take account in its decision-making of all of the stakeholders in Adriatic, and not just the shareholders.

As a company with a standard listing on the London Stock Exchange, Adriatic is able to choose which governance code to follow. The Board has decided to apply the Quoted Company Alliance’s Corporate Governance Code.  The Code is based on 10 principles and a set of supporting disclosures.

The Board is committed to ensuring the sustainability of its development strategy and to delivering on its commitments to shareholders, clients, employees, partners and other stakeholders with sustainability in mind.

We believe that transparency and fair dealing, particularly in relation to environmental and community issues, are essential to the Company’s ultimate success. At all times Adriatic will aim to: 
•    Minimise its environmental impact,
•    Meet legal and other requirements applicable to it,
•    Foster positive relationships in the local community,
•    Protect the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders and encourage positive relationships in the workplace, and
•    Ensure the sustainability of the business for shareholders and other stakeholders.