
The Whistleblowing Policy for Adriatic Metals Plc.

The trust that our employees, clients, and suppliers place in us is taken seriously at Adriatic Metals Plc. We are therefore committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, responsibility, ethics, and honesty. Any conduct considered unfitting with the ethos of the company, regardless of who is involved, is considered a very serious offence.

The Board of Directors values the contribution of our employees in maintaining these ethical standards. We have therefore set up a procedure to submit complaints online confidentially. Maintaining total confidentiality, the information received will be passed directly to the department assigned by the Company to scrutinise events that are reported.

All Employees can therefore be assured of complete confidentiality as reports made using this facility cannot be traced by the Company.

To submit a complaint online, please email whistleblower@adriaticmetals.com.