2023 A Year of Growth

  • general

  • 12 January 2024

2023 reasons to be proud and grateful!

👥 Employee Growth: Our team has grown stronger than ever! 2023 times “thank you” to each and everyone who contributed to our success.

⛏️ First Ore Mined: A monumental achievement! Our relentless pursuit of excellence led us to mine our first ore, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to innovation and resource development.

🚂 Opening of the Railway: Connecting possibilities, breaking barriers! Restoring the old railway from Podlugovi to Vareš, opens avenues for efficiency and accessibility. We're paving the way for a brighter more connected future.

🙌 None of this would have been possible without the dedication of our incredible team and the support of our amazing community. We are together in sustainability and prosperity! Here's to the memories we've made and the ones we'll create in the future!